Lickety Spit Fibre Farm

Michele and Melinda came together because of our love of animals and our belief in ethical animal husbandry. Our farm is a dynamic place where animals and plants interact to mutual benefit, and where humans are welcome to come and reset themselves.

Our sheep, alpacas, Mikey the horse and Dixe the LSG dog live together as a herd/flock/pack, and have access to both barn and pasture. Our laying chickens are completely free-range, and our broilers live in open-air, pastured tractors that get moved daily. Our ducks live in a pond enclosure alongside the swans and any number of newcomers to the pond.
All of our animals are hormone free and none of our animals are medicated unless absolutely necessary. We use natural and safe remedies to maintain good health and a clean environment for our animals. We believe that a healthy environment creates a healthy immune system which helps the animals fight off sickness.

We work within as closed a system as possible. The barn and coop waste gets composted and added to the gardens. The garden waste gets fed to the animals and whatever is leftover is composted. Leftover manure is available to our customers so that they can enrich their own garden. Our fibre is processed in an environmentally-conscious way. We try to keep our (hoof)prints small. Lickety Spit Fibre Farm is a proud member producer of the Upper Canada Fibreshed, Alpaca Ontario and Ontario Sheep Farmers.

107 Binbrook Rd Binbrook ON


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