Ontario Fibreshed

Fostering creative collaboration across industries, Ontario's fiber products and textiles proudly showcase the strength and diversity of the Canadian economy. By uniting artisans, manufacturers, and designers, this initiative highlights locally-made goods, promoting sustainability and innovation within the regional and national market.

Previously called Upper Canada Fibreshed (UCFS) a not-for-profit organization that supports a grassroots network of regional fibre. We strive to support and create a system of community through education, research, peer-to-peer knowledge exchange and building an inventory of materials, skills, processing equipment, expertise and knowledge within the network of farmers, mills, weavers, knitters, natural dyers and textile designers.

“Regenerative fibre farming systems, within local processing value-chains, have the potential to create economic opportunities for rural communities, by meeting the growing demand for local, sustainable textile products,” says Becky Porlier, co-founder of the UCFS. “Investing in these systems returns carbon to the soil, protects our water and foodsheds, all the while encouraging meaningful work in a highly skilled and collaborative field.”  

Regionally produced, all-natural products and textiles are demonstrated to reduce CO2 emissions, eliminate toxic byproducts of synthetic fabric production, discourage water pollution and encourage a culture of ethical consumption. Scalable, innovative and regionally-specific value chains have important and positive impacts on producer well-being and prosperity.  

Strong regional fiber system communities can contribute social and economic benefits to processors, aggregators, retailers and consumers and revitalize rural communities.